I must confess, Valentine’s Day isn’t a big thing in our house, so when the theme of Valentine’s Day popped up for the Bostik Bloggers Challenge for this month I was at a loss of what to do. Though Boo, (as always) had the answer, ‘let’s make flowers for daddy!’ so we did! And here’s how we made this super simple Valentine’s Craft for Toddlers.

Hearts and Flowers - simple Valentine's Craft for Toddlers and Preschoolers -

We used coloured card, pipe cleaners, stickers, tissue paper and a toilet roll tube. We also used Bostik White Glu and some Blu Tak as well as some scissors and sticky tape. You can use whatever you want to decorate your flowers, and create your ‘vase’.

 Hearts and Flowers - simple Valentine's Craft for Toddlers and Preschoolers - You will need

First I cut out the heart and flower shapes, and got everything ready so that Boo could decorate them. We cut some blue card to the right size to cover the toliet roll paper ‘vase’ and glued that on with our White Glu. Thne we weighed the bottom down with Blu Tak. Hearts and Flowers - simple Valentine's Craft for Toddlers and Preschoolers - how we did it

Decorate your hearts and flowers however you want, I let Boo have free rein and what was great is that she decorated each one in a different way. First we stuck stickers, then we got messy with tissue paper and glue. We also added texture with felt and ribbons and we went crazy with paper strips.

We stuck the flowers and hearts onto their pipe cleaners with sticky tape when they were dry. I bent the pipe cleaners roughly in half, so that the flowers weren’t quite so tall but also so that they were all different heights in their vase. Hearts and Flowers - simple Valentine's Craft for Toddlers and Preschoolers - Boo making her flowers

The bend in the pipe cleaners means that they sit nicely without having to be stuck in the vase. This means they can be rearranged or changed. I like the idea of changing them with each holiday/season. Daffodils in spring, spooky shapes for Halloween and snowflakes for Christmas are just some examples of what you could do.

We had so much fun making our Heart and Flowers. And who doesn’t love flowers? They always cheer me up and Boo was very proud to give them to her daddy when he got home from work!

 Hearts and Flowers - simple Valentine's Craft for Toddlers and Preschoolers - Finish flowers

Are you doing any Valentine’s Day themed crafts? What do you think of our simple Valentine’s Craft for Toddlers?

Does this look like fun? Why no pin this for later?

Hearts and Flowers - simple Valentine's Craft for Toddlers and Preschoolers - and can be adapted for lots of holidays including Christmas, Halloween and the four seasons

We were sent a box of craft supplies as part of our work as #BostikBloggers with Tots100.